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Native Seed Collection

All seed collected at the workdays are used to enhance/restore areas at Chiwaukee Prairie State Natural Area.

Beginning in Mid/Late August – Early/Mid September

Examples include:

Nodding Onion
June Grass (if seed still present)
Little Bluestem
Shooting Star
Pale-spiked Lobelia
Prairie Dock (some may be early)
Rosinweed (some may be early)
Wild Bergamot
Black-eyed Susan
Prairie Cinquefoil
Golden Alexanders
Culver’s Root
Flowering Spurge
Purple Prairie Clover
Canada Hawkweed
Prairie Coneflower
Starry Campion
New Jersey Tea
Canada Milkvetch
Yellow Pimpernel

All photos below by Eric Howe

Canada Hawkweed (Hieracium umbellatum)

Beginning in Late September – October

Western Sunflower
Marsh and Rough Liatris
Prairie Dock
Butterfly Milkweed
Rose species (various)
Various goldenrods (excluding Canada)
Various grasses (excluding big bluestem)

Torrey’s Rush

Beginning in mid – October

New England Aster (Aster novae-angliae)