Greetings Friends of the Prairie,
All around, migratory birds flit and twitter, insects scramble to prepare for winter, seed is blowing, popping and dropping, and the most beautiful of blooms have waited until the last. But time is running out to see them this year. As of last Saturday, the trail going north from the corner of 4th Avenue and 105th Street was still littered with late blooming Fringed Gentians.
New England Asters witness Milkweed Bugs (Oncopeltus fasciatus) feasting on the embryos in Common Milkweed by inserting their long slender beaks into the pods. If your Milkweed seeds lack a raised center, they are not viable.

And the pods explode to send surviving seed to the winds!

Why does the Woolly Bear caterpillar cross the road?
Why to find a place to hide until Spring.
They have been abundant this week on the roads in the area.
After a winter in hibernation and more eating, they eventually reappear as Isabella Tiger Moths.


Prairie Plant Walks with Kay have ended for this year but will resume next Spring along with photos and lists of “Kay’s Bloomers”. On the last walk, September 29 pictured above, there were many varieties of Asters, Goldenrods, and Grasses along with Lady Tresses, and the most splendidly blue Gentians. And a very special white Gentian!
If you would like to be notified about additional plant scouting opportunities or plant identification walks, please email volunteer@chiwaukee.org.

The most wonderful September workday volunteers removed truck loads of Sumac. It was a beautiful day and energy was high. You all did a terrific job! THANK YOU!
This Saturday, October 20, the weather forecast is for partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the high 40s with a strong NW wind. We plan to continue clearing invasive brush in the area we worked in last winter. Wear old clothes, sturdy shoes and dress in layers. We supply work gloves, tools, water, instruction and answers to all your questions about the Prairie.
The workday is from 10 AM – 1 PM. Come for part or all of it.
We will meet at the Chiwaukee Cottage at 204 -102nd Street
Please park on the south side of 102nd Street.
Lunch at the Cottage after the workday!
(Map of the vicinity at www.chiwaukee.org/about/where/)
If you would like to be notified about additional workday opportunities, plant scouting opportunities or plant identification walks, please email volunteer@chiwaukee.org.
Workday cancellations will be posted on our website and Facebook by 8 AM on scheduled workdays. If you are unsure whether a workday will take place, please use good judgment when deciding whether to attend.
If you have questions, email volunteer@chiwaukee.org or call 773-515-2772.
Thank you for your support,
Chiwaukee Prairie Preservation Fund, Inc.