Greetings Friends of the Prairie,
One week ago, this beautiful native Pasqueflower was photographed near the Chiwaukee Cottage. It is regarded as the earliest harbinger of Spring, blooming during the Pasque season of Passover and Easter. Four days later, it was back in winter and covered with snow!
Along with snow, these wintery storms brought strong Northeast winds and high waves which dammed creeks at Lake Michigan. The result was creeks overflowing their banks and making this wet prairie very wet indeed!

Surely Spring will stop fooling us and really show up soon with the Chorus Frogs resuming their joyous racket heard last week. In the meantime, keep your bird feeders full and, on Earth Day this Sunday, be proud of your support of the Chiwaukee Prairie!
Chiwaukee Prairie Preservation Fund will have an information table at the Gateway Earth Day event this Saturday. Please stop by and let us know how you think we’re doing.
The CPPF Annual Stewardship Dinner on March 27th was the occasion to acknowledge Clarence and Karen Kaplan as our Volunteers of the Year for their many years of faithful workday efforts. This award came just two days after they celebrated 50 years of marriage!

On a sunshiny mild St. Patrick’s workday, volunteers continued the work started in February, clearing buckthorn south of the Chiwaukee Cottage. While much progress was made, we decided one more workday would be needed to finish the area and take advantage of DNR handling the chipping.
This Saturday, April 21, we will continue cutting and herbiciding invasive brush and saplings. The prediction is for cloudy skies with a slight breeze off the Lake and a high of 46 degrees. It should be dry conditions, as the snow will have melted and it is not a low area. We supply work gloves, tools, water, instruction and answers to all your questions about the Prairie. The workday is from 10AM – 1PM. Come for part or all of it.
SPECIAL REQUEST: Please bring us your empty half gallon milk/cider jugs.
We will meet at the Chiwaukee Cottage at 204 -102nd Street
Please park on the south side of 102nd Street.
We will serve lunch at the Cottage after the workday!
(Map of the vicinity at www.chiwaukee.org/about/where/)
If you would like to be notified about additional workday opportunities, plant scouting opportunities or plant identification walks, please email volunteer@chiwaukee.org.
Workday cancellations will be posted on our website and Facebook by 8 AM on scheduled workdays. If you are unsure whether a workday will take place, please use good judgment when deciding whether to attend.
If you have questions, email volunteer@chiwaukee.org or call 262-658-8336.
Thank you for your support,
Chiwaukee Prairie Preservation Fund, Inc.