Greetings Friends of the Prairie,
The big burn from 122nd Street through Spring Bluff Forest Preserve down to 7th Street in Winthrop Harbor, a cooperative effort among Lake Plain Partners, took place November 21 and covered 286 acres! A smaller burn between 106th and 107th Streets capped the season on the 30th.
A thin layer of snow now covers the Prairie, lending an aura of peace and quiet to the landscape. As the calendar year closes, we wish you all peace and happiness shared with family and friends.
Our annual fundraising Newsletter is out! It details our mission accomplishments in 2017, plans for 2018, lists of volunteers and donors, as well as highlights in color photos. If you have not, but would like to receive a mailed copy, let us know at The newsletter is also on our website. Please check it out at:
$ for $ Match
For all donations from individuals until February 15, 2018.
Unfortunately, our November workday was rained out. This Saturday, December 16, we will be cutting and herbiciding invasive brush including buckthorn and sumac. The prediction is for a partly cloudy, breezy day with a high of 39 degrees. We supply work gloves, tools, instruction, water and answers to all your questions about the Prairie. The workday is from 10AM to 1PM. Come for part or all of it.
We will meet on 2nd Avenue at 121st Street.
(Map at
If you would like to be notified about additional workday opportunities, plant scouting opportunities or plant identification walks, please email
Workday cancellations will be posted on our website and Facebook by 8 AM on scheduled workdays. If you are unsure whether a workday will take place, please use good judgment when deciding whether to attend.
If you have questions, email or call 262-658-8336.
Thank you for your support,
Chiwaukee Prairie Preservation Fund, Inc.